3AM Scary Stories
You're in the woods with your best friends, the campfire is roaring, and you’re telling scary stories. If that’s your thing, then this podcast is for you. We tell first and second hand stories in a non-dramatized setting. 3AM is the telling of supernatural occurrences and exploration of the unknown hosted by Charles Hatch, DeeJay Pasikala, & Sean Gassaway.
The Team
Charlie Hatch
As our unofficial ring leader, Charles is sharp. His interest in the exploration of the unknown is both infectious and palpable. Ever curious and witty, Charles' experience with unnatural occurrences dates back to his early childhood, and gives him the ability to create a storytelling atmosphere that feels authentic.

Sean Gassaway
Sean is our Washington born trailblazer. The voice of rhetoric, he is the group’s skeptic, which actually enables us to stay grounded. Don’t be mistaken, though he’s wary of any paranormal stigma, he’s definitely the most adventurous in discovering reason within the supernatural. Sean is trusty, and we’re proud of his go-to character.

DeeJay Pasikala
DeeJay is our inquisitive and cultural proponent of the group. Intrigued by the macabre and constantly fascinated with process of discovering new ideals and territories alike. He’s definitely our friendly one, always happy to invest in genuine relationships as well as a good time.