The Phyllis Cottle Story

Veteran journalist Carol Costello revisits the first big assignment she covered as a rookie reporter. In March of 1984, Phyllis Cottle was kidnapped as she left work in downtown Akron, Ohio, brutally assaulted, and left to die. Except, against all odds, she survived.

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The Living Homicide Victim

| S:1 E:4

Police, fire fighters, and reporters descend on the smoldering crime scene. In an emergency room at Akron City Hospital, medical staff tend to Phyllis while detectives attempt to interview her. The biggest question of all isn't whether she'll lose her vision, but whether her memory superpowers will be enough to catch the bastard who did this to her.


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Why That Case? An Interview with The Ohio Innocence Project

Killer Podcasts | S:1 E:18
Carol interviews attorney Mark Godsey, who heads Ohio's Innocence Project and advocated for the DNA testing in Samuel Herring's bid for exoneratio...
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Update: DNA Results | "I'm a Gun Man"

Killer Podcasts | S:1 E:16
The Ohio Innocence Project shares findings on DNA found on Phyllis' clothing 40 years ago, and Carol explores some of Herring's claims of innocenc...
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Update: The Unthinkable

Killer Podcasts | S:1 E:16
Carol shares a shocking development in the case of Phyllis Cottle's brutal assault....
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Bonus: Survivors and the Media

Killer Podcasts | S:1 E:15
Carol interviews her former colleague, award-winning producer Ronni Berke, about what it’s like to interview victims....
Listen to Bonus: Survivors and the Media